User Ratings 7,5 of 10.
Sam Hargrave.
Release year 2020.
Audience Score 70302 votes.
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Both actors are superb 💞. I cant stop thinking about Thor using his hammer. Can we expect a sequel? Cuz at the end the kid comes outta pool and sees Chris so maybe a sequel. Everytime I see Chris Hemsworth, all I see is Captain America. The long take in this movie is an so crazy maybe the longest I've ever seen. Bangladesh vs India, cricket match? 😏.
This movie slapped so much harder than I expected
Randeep hooda doesn't know acting. Create your own movie list. We need Chris to be Sam Fisher. This movie was epic. Show your love by giving this movie all the stars in the ratings. He found noobmaster69 trying his best to save him. The director was drunk while making this movie. Tags: Watch 驚天營救 Online, 驚天營救 Online Free, Watch 驚天營救 Online Full, 驚天營救 Full Length, 驚天營救 Online Stream. Other: Chris Tyler go to the bridge Me: C'mon Thor they need your help in the bridge. It's time we should fully support chris for his movie as Hollywood has started experiments with indian audience.🤩😘. Real q and a I wanna know is whats the moist meter on the moist meter.
This movie has only 2 colors: Ash and Yellow
Now I know they used a latest IPHONE PRO to film this movie😂. Tyler rake 3a a kimenek c3 adt c3 a9s status. Every automobile enthusiast : THATS NOT A FREAKING LANCER 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. The production quality is just out of this world except for some poor smoke vfx in the movie... Plot was a little thin but it's a complete action movie and all those people complaining about everything being yellow - some evenings in the subcontinent are typically like this due to the smog unfortunately. I don't know why people are getting pissed because of this.
Extra + Action = Extraction Hit like if u agree
Thus, You will help the new viewer to make a choice, to watch this film or not.
Tyler rake 3a a kimenek c3 adt c3 a9s reaction. So Bangladeshi listens Bollywood songs only. Spoiler alert: he no longer possesses the power of Thor. I've never been this early to something since I was born.